I am going to share God’s healing to me and how He made me a channel of blessings to others.
It was year 2016 when my friend invited me to attend ExCEL service here at COG because I was diagnosed to have Baker’s cyst on my right foot and the pain worsened every time I fully extend or move my knees. Initially, I had no plan on saying yes to her but on the third time she insisted, I decided to go and attend. When we entered the sanctuary, I felt my knees shaking, but I didn’t mind because my only goal was to focus on God. Back then, I have already attended several worship services in other churches but this one was different. It was my first time to attend ExCEL service, but I really felt the presence of God moving during the praise and worship.
When Ptr. Anthony started to lay his hands on me, God spoke to my heart, “Now that I healed you, I want you to go back to your seat. Pray for the person beside you.”
And so, I did what He said. At the moment I reached my place, I asked the young lady crying on my right side and she shared that she was currently unemployed, so I prayed for her. Then another girl on my left, together with her mother, shared to me that her mother had a stroke so I prayed for them. The Lord spoke to me and said “Give them a hundred pesos”. When I handed her the money, the young lady suddenly cried. I found out that they had to walk really far just to be able to attend the service that day. After a week, the young lady who was on my right side told me she got a new job!
Ever since I attended that ExCEL service, I realized God completely healed me from inside out and He gave me a mission — to pray for others. Every time I miss a service, I feel incomplete. I started to pray for others since then and each had different and beautiful testimonies.
Let me leave this message to all of you, especially to those who have fear in their hearts. I know that there are many people here who can testify God’s goodness in their lives but are ashamed to stand here. Out of the abundance of my heart, I tell you that God did not get stingy when He poured out His healing upon us. Instead, He provided all our needs. While you fearlessly prayed and even cried out for all your requests to Him, what happens now that you have already received what you have been asking for? Do not be anxious. Let me tell you this, God will not be glorified in that way. Instead, He will be glorified when we give back all the praises and thanksgiving to Him for what He has done in our lives.
To God be all the glory!