Few months back, one of my friends told me that she saw a vision of me giving into lust and another friend said he dreamed about the same thing, too. After hearing their stories, I must admit that what they shared really scared me. For this not to happen, being aloof has been my defense mechanism.
I felt like the enemy has already surrounded me, waiting for the perfect time to release destructive arrows towards me. It hunted me and I wasn’t able to sleep because of it. Fear embraced me and I realized I wasn’t able to move anymore. Why did it alarm me that much?
Ever since, I have been fighting for purity. I know that I am still standing not because of my own strength, but it is all because of His mercy and grace. I don’t want to see my God’s, as well as my parents’, efforts of protecting to come to waste. This is why, by the time I heard this early warning for me, I cried unto God. I ran to Him like a child who was too scared to be caught by her most feared monster. And because of His great love for me, He spared me. He gave me these promises that I hold on:
“Be still and know that I am God…” (Psalm 46:10)
” ‘…They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and I will rescue you,’ declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 1:19)
“God is within her, she will not fall…” (Psalm 46:5)
“Yet this is what the Sovereign LORD says: ‘It will not take place, it will not happen,” (Isaiah 7:7)
“See, I have told you beforehand.” (Matthew 24:25)
God reminded me that the situation we could get into is in line to the choices we make. Maybe, those vision and dream were meant to warn me and it would be up to my response if I will take it as if it will really happen or I will take it as a reminder. It is up to me if I will clothe myself with fear or I will desperately ask for God’s protection and continue to fight through praying for that not to happen.
Nowadays, fighting for purity has been one of the toughest things to do. Immorality is now all around and the Christian youth is now compromising. It is heart-crushing to know that immorality is becoming normal for many. As a youth, I know how hard it is to stay away from temptation. It surrounds us like the wind. But WE HAVE TO FIGHT. It is an everyday battle, so we must pray for it constantly and conquer it every day. Even if temptation’s big hands are always reaching ours, let’s be reminded that the Lord’s hands are always bigger to protect us from what temptation could possibly throw us.
“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”
To those who are struggling but still fighting for purity, I want to encourage you to stand firm for your God. Stand for the truth. Stand for what is right. Be the light of this world. You are the lamp of God, you must shine at your brightest. He said, “I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness.” Fight for this generation. STAND OUT.
And if you have already fallen to the temptation and you think that you cannot recover from it anymore, do not overlook the grace of the Lord as it is written in His word, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” Allow God to heal you. Everything that has been killed, stolen and destroyed, Jesus Christ can restore, as He has already taken us away from the power of sin. You can still continue this fight, as it is not going to be over yet until He says so. We are all His children, therefore, we are overcomers; we are conquerors! STAND UP!
To everyone, let’s walk against the pattern of this world. God honors the hearts of His children who are still seeking for His presence despite of everything that’s happening around. Even the hardest maze has its way out, and we can have our “way out” in these struggles by fixing our eyes onto Him. Following Jesus Christ might not be the easiest thing to do, but let me tell you that it will surely be worth it. This battle we face is worth fighting for. While we are continuing to fight and to overcome for the Lord, I believe that God is watching us right now and smiling while saying, “Those are my children.”
As His children, let us Stand Up and Stand Out for our God!