In this article, we are featuring another exemplary story from our brother in Christ who’s been waiting for a miracles to happen in his life by letting God favored his dreams— to be a doctor and to marry his wife, Elizabeth. As he and his wife encountered infertility issues in the midst of our marriage. Our speaker, Ryan Encabo, a dermatologist, wants to share how God moved in their lives. Every time he looks at his wife, he can see the shame whenever they called ‘barren’. But Ryan told her, “We are not childless, we are child-free. We still have time to focus on our relationship and our ministry.”
May 24, 2018 was their anniversary when Elizabeth handed him a bag with a positive pregnancy test. Finally, the long wait is over! He had the best gift he have ever received and it is the news that he was going to be a father! On the 6th week of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, they scheduled for an ultrasound. Ryan saw the baby and he was completely mesmerized; it was indeed love at first sight!
After two months, his wife started to bleed, he rushed her to the emergency room and they both found out that the fetus has no heartbeat anymore. By that time, they were both emotional because of the loss. However, Ryan still thank the Lord for lending them an angel and for allowing them to experience being a parent over a short period of time. Several months had passed. In their effort to find the cause of Elizabeth’s miscarriage, they discovered that she has Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome (APAS) wherein his wife’s immune system affects the baby’s condition. Then, they underwent some costly laboratory tests just to get immunization for her body.
Elizabeth conceived again after a few weeks. Ryan saw and acknowledge the two lines! This time, the doctors reminded them to consider some things for the baby’s protection. They had to take laboratory tests and one of these costs a hundred thousand pesos which Elizabeth needs to undergo every month. But truly, God made a way and they were able to take the test. After a month, his wife started to bleed again. Before Elizabeth took the medicine, they called for an ultrasound. Then, they found out that the baby was gone, again. This time, they were deeply hurt but Ryan still thank the Lord for allowing them to meet those angels because it strengthened their marriage. When they attended the ExCEL service, Ryan asked God, “Lord, when will I experience Your miracles?” However, they continued to serve Him, they are still up for missions and he is teaching CLDP classes.
December 2018, Elizabeth told Ryan that her period was two months delayed so they decided to take a pregnancy test. It showed up immediately: a negative result. She was not pregnant. He know, it was hard on her part to have that result repeatedly. Nevertheless, Ryan still encouraged her wife, Elizabeth to try it once more. On the nth time of trying, it showed a positive result! They allotted time in working out to strengthen their bodies. When Pastor Anthony knew about this, they told their condition and he prayed for them. After praying Pastor Anthony said to Ryan, “Tandaan mo itong lugar na ‘to kung saan tayo nanalangin, magandang testimony ‘yan.” That motivated Ryan.
Every month, they were in the hospital to take an ultrasound. They were happy that the baby is viable until its 9th week. As he read tons of textbooks about the APAS condition, his mind cannot stop thinking the risk of giving birth to an APAS baby. It is hard when he have gained so much information; it is better to put his hope in the Lord and cling to His promises than to read those complications. But their story did not stop there. His wife experienced some complication. On the 35th week of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, she told Ryan that she cannot handle it anymore. The doctors advised them to go to the hospital because she is about to undergo a cesarean delivery. It was only 35 weeks and it would put the life of their baby or his wife at risk. However, he kept on praying and seeking for answers. After 20 minutes of waiting, this is what Ryan saw:
He have not just seen a miracle but he also touched her! His wife is also safe. Do not stop praying and keep on fighting. ”If you have APAS in your life, it means that ‘Ang Panginoon Ay Sapat.” The battle will be worth it. His love, favor, and blessings are enough. Ryan ended his testimony by sharing this verse from Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”