Hi! I’m Theza, a dance minister for 6 years now and I recently found out that I have scoliosis. There were days when I was having a difficult time lying down, getting up, walking, sneezing and even breathing. Almost everything I do was literally painful at that time.
Being a team leader in my ministry, it was really a challenge for me. How can I choreograph a song with this condition? How can I polish my team’s dance steps when I can barely move? It breaks my heart to be limited when my only desire for my ministry is anointed excellence.
After two weeks of battling with this “new pain”, I woke up one day as if I was about to have a bad fever. I thought it’s the way my body responds to the pain from my scoliosis. But a week has passed and I was still having fever despite of taking medicine and having enough rest. Then I found out that it was a typhoid fever!
It was quite a trying season for me, but the Lord made me see things through His perspective and considered this a BLESSING IN DISGUISE for 4 reasons:
- It was an answered prayer. Earlier this year, I prayed for a God-dependent 2017 for me and indeed the Lord placed me in a situation where I can depend on nobody else but Him. I’ve realized that I can never produce my own strength, but I can always tap from the Source of everything!
- My relationship with my parents was restored. Growing up in a less open and inexpressive family, I’ve never felt and experienced their love and care for me like I did when I was in this extremely weak moment of my life. Every little piece of resentment and bitterness hidden in my heart were instantly melted by their unconditional love.
- Pride left my heart. Asking for help was the last thing I would want to do. I’ve always been used to working alone using my own abilities. But the Lord has put me into a position where He knows I’ll be needing some help, in one way or another. This is where I learned to appreciate everyone around me, especially my co-leaders who willingly helped me during our team’s rehearsals. They are God’s way of telling me, “Stop doing everything alone.”
- I became closer to the Lord. It was during my weakest seasons when my relationship with Him becomes more intimate. Only God knows the physical and emotional pain I was experiencing every day.
Only God understands my cries when all words fail. Every time I cry my heart out in worship, I could just imagine myself washing Jesus’ feet with my tears.
I believe God isn’t finished with me yet. And I’m excited to witness a miracle be done in my life! Undoubtedly, the Lord’s thoughts and ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). So if you think you are in the testing season of your life, don’t let the blessings of those testing just pass by without you learning what God wants you to learn. Everything is a blessing if we will only learn to trust God and try to look at it in God’s way of seeing things. Because sometimes, our greatest blessing hides behind our biggest problem.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Theza Limcaco