When I started in the church, I used to sing in the choir, then I became a worship leader for the congregation. One day I asked God, “Why is it that every time there is an altar call, many people rush in front crying as if they are helpless in Your sight?” Then the Lord answered. “Why don’t you approach them and ask each of them why?”
I started to ask some people after the altar call and discovered their many troubles. Sime of them are sick, financially troubled, emotionally distressed, so on and so forth. This fact has moved my heart. Many people need one’s comfort and they even need God more. I remember what Jesus did by the sea of Galilee.
“When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NIV)
Knowing this, let us share the love of Jesus to our loved ones and people who don’t know Him yet. We may not know what kind of problem they are in right now until we start to talk to them. Let them know that Jesus Died to Give them Life.