In this article, we are featuring another exemplary story from our sister in Christ who faced a lot of struggles and fought with the Lord through prayers. Despite her acquired medical conditions, she believed that God is our Great Healer and He is the Doctor of all the doctors. Her name is Mikaela Mantele. As a brief background, Mikaela experienced a lot of diseases. However, she has known that the Lord would continually heal her by completely trusting and believing that she would see His great miracles. She has shared on how great and good the Lord is in her life; how God moved and heal her worst disease which she have had since childhood.
On her first week after being born, her parents told her that it had gone five days that she didn’t poop. Her parents were worried that they brought her to the hospital and did check-ups. The doctor told them that operation in her intestines was necessary in order to remove the poop inside her body. There’s a tendency that her intestines will be filled and may cause death. Her parents refused the operation because she was way too young to do it. Instead of being able to recover, she might die. Her family dedicated their lives to the Lord and prayed that nothing bad would happen to their daughter, because back then her situation was so delicate during her baby stage. She was told a story that they had her took a teaspoon of castor oil and after a day has passed, she was able to poop. She was blessed hearing that during her baby stage. At the age of one year old, experiencing it, was already a miracle! She was too little at that time when God made a huge impact on her life. The life that has been saved by the Lord is now being used all for His glory. She’s very blessed because God didn’t let her die. Truly that prayer is the first and best option! If we are in a situation where we don’t know what to do. Prayer is indeed powerful! We needed to trust in Him for that is required when we pray.
But it does not end there, when she was 12 years old, she had a stye(hordeolum) or “kuliti” in her eye. When she was in high school, it appeared from time to time on her both eyes. She was operated twice because of stye. She’s not yet a Christian the first time she was operated. She was praying to the Lord to heal her because she doesn’t want to be blind. Her stye condition is abnormal since it repeats from time to time. Her first operation was successful but it came back again. Her second operation is critical. It’s so hard for her to see, she can barely open her eyes due to the pain. The operation was successful, but then she realized it was hard for her to see with just one eye. She was very thankful to the Lord because He healed her on this kind of disease. Now it’s no longer coming back!
After a year, another disease came. When she was 13 years old, she was diagnosed having Cerebral Bell’s Palsy. A condition in which one side of muscles in your face becomes paralyzed. In Mikaela’s case, the one that was paralyzed is the right side of her face, she was in that condition for two months. It’s hard for her to eat, drink, keep her eyes open, even sleeping. At that age of 13, she experienced these things. She’s the type of person who would just pray to God though she’s not yet a Born Again Christian. She was pleading to God; “If You were able to help and heal me before, I believe You can heal me in this situation because I’m very tired.” She went for a check-up and also taking some medicine. Instead of doing some therapy since it is required for the muscles and nerves in the face to move. Instead of doing those things at the hospital, she did it at home. Her cousin has a machine and taught her how to use it. She remembered those times when she’s doing the therapy by hers
On her first week after being born, her parents told her that it had gone five days that she didn’t poop. Her parents were worried that they brought her to the hospital and did check-ups. The doctor told them that operation in her intestines was necessary in order to remove the poop inside her body. There’s a tendency that her intestines will be filled and may cause death. Her parents refused the operation because she was way too young to do it. Instead of being able to recover, she might die. Her family dedicated their lives to the Lord and prayed that nothing bad would happen to their daughter, because back then her situation was so delicate during her baby stage. She was told a story that they had her took a teaspoon of castor oil and after a day has passed, she was able to poop. She was blessed hearing that during her baby stage. At the age of one year old, experiencing it, was already a miracle! She was too little at that time when God made a huge impact on her life. The life that has been saved by the Lord is now being used all for His glory. She’s very blessed because God didn’t let her die. Truly that prayer is the first and best option! If we are in a situation where we don’t know what to do. Prayer is indeed powerful! We needed to trust in Him for that is required when we pray.
But it does not end there, when she was 12 years old, she had a stye(hordeolum) or “kuliti” in her eye. When she was in high school, it appeared from time to time on her both eyes. She was operated twice because of stye. She’s not yet a Christian the first time she was operated. She was praying to the Lord to heal her because she doesn’t want to be blind. Her stye condition is abnormal since it repeats from time to time. Her first operation was successful but it came back again. Her second operation is critical. It’s so hard for her to see, she can barely open her eyes due to the pain. The operation was successful, but then she realized it was hard for her to see with just one eye. She was very thankful to the Lord because He healed her on this kind of disease. Now it’s no longer coming back!
After a year, another disease came. When she was 13 years old, she was diagnosed having Cerebral Bell’s Palsy. A condition in which one side of muscles in your face becomes paralyzed. In Mikaela’s case, the one that was paralyzed is the right side of her face, she was in that condition for two months. It’s hard for her to eat, drink, keep her eyes open, even sleeping. At that age of 13, she experienced these things. She’s the type of person who would just pray to God though she’s not yet a Born Again Christian. She was pleading to God; “If You were able to help and heal me before, I believe You can heal me in this situation because I’m very tired.” She went for a check-up and also taking some medicine. Instead of doing some therapy since it is required for the muscles and nerves in the face to move. Instead of doing those things at the hospital, she did it at home. Her cousin has a machine and taught her how to use it. She remembered those times when she’s doing the therapy by herself. She was alone in the room. Before she started the therapy process, she was praying to God to heal her. She has believed that God would do through this process. Truly that the Lord did heal her by His grace! Those diseases never came back! But that is not the end.
After three years, at the age of 16, she also had scoliosis in her back. Her back hurts and this was the time she started going to church around April 2014. May 3, 2014, is when she tried to attend an ExCEL service. During the service, she has kept on praying and believing that God would heal her because she knows that God is not going to take her life yet after how many diseases that God had healed her.
It has been months that she has endured the pain in her back for this scoliosis disease. She remembered the one who laid hands on her that time and said this message; “Your faith has made you well and receive your complete healing.” After that, she claimed that the Lord would heal her again. The day after that which was Sunday, she never felt the pain in her back again. She didn’t know why but she believed that God did heal her miraculously. She was alone in the room. Before she started the therapy process, she was praying to God to heal her. She has believed that God would do through this process. Truly that the Lord did heal her by His grace! Those diseases never came back! But that is not the end.
After three years, at the age of 16, she also had scoliosis in her back. Her back hurts and this was the time she started going to church around April 2014. May 3, 2014, is when she tried to attend an ExCEL service. During the service, she has kept on praying and believing that God would heal her because she knows that God is not going to take her life yet after how many diseases that God had healed her.
It has been months that she has endured the pain in her back for this scoliosis disease. She remembered the one who laid hands on her that time and said this message; “Your faith has made you well and receive your complete healing.” After that, she claimed that the Lord would heal her again. The day after that which was Sunday, she never felt the pain in her back again. She didn’t know why but she believed that God did heal her miraculously.