Good Morning! I am Antonette from the Music Ministry. I want to testify the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord in my life.
Eight years ago, I felt a lymph node (bukol) in the left part of my throat, and I became so nervous. I ignored this node for eight years even it had been painful. Before, when I sneezed or I coughed, there was blood coming out of my left nostril (with mucus). Although my friends encouraged me to consult a doctor, I ignored them because I was afraid of having a check-up and undergoing a process to remove this lymph node. Eventually, it became worse. I did not tell my mother during this time because I was scared and hesitant to disclose about my medical condition.
There was an annual check up in my previous work, and I let the doctor checked the underlying reason behind the lymph node in my throat. He recommended me to undergo a procedure called biopsy, but I ignored it. Instead of undergoing a biopsy, I prayed.
Last December 16, I was scheduled to play an instrument for the praise and worship in the afternoon. I did not complete the entire slot because I vomited due to ulcer. After I vomited, I was stunned that there was another node and it was painful. When I first touched it, it was really painful. My jaw and my tongue were not functioning. I couldn’t speak clearly. I felt sad because I did not complete the entire slot for the worship service which caused heaviness in my heart. At that time, I wanted to offer the best service to God, even I was sick.
Then, I went to the nearest hospital, but there was no available doctor that night. So I decided to go home at midnight, and then I could not eat nor move.Wednesday of the same week, I went to the hospital for a check up. I underwent endoscopy, which is having a long camera-like apparatus inserted in my body to observe if there are abnormalities in my nose or in my throat. They observed nothing in the right side but it was painful when the equipment was moved at the left side. The doctor told me that it was not cancerous. I felt relieved then he gave me a a prescription of medicines. He also said that I need to be back by the first week of January 2019 to completely remove the node, and if not, another set of medications would be given.Furthermore, if the oral medications would not be effective, operation might be needed. These nodes are mentioned as infectious. This would be more dangerous for me and to the people around me if there wouldn’t be any further actions to cure it.
Nonetheless, I did not come back for a follow-up check because it was also the prayer and fasting week at that time. I consistently went to church, and I literally touched this node and fervently prayed for the Lord’s miracle. I strongly believe that He alone can heal it even without medication or operation. I uttered, “Lord, You are my healer. Your power and Your miracles are enough that I would not come back to the doctor again for medications.”
During the prayer and fasting service, Thursday of that week, the lymph node swelled again and I prayed hard for its healing until ExCEL service. Being one of the musicians on-stage at that service, there was a leader who prayed over for me. I felt differently because I know God was moving during that moment. I felt the presence of the Lord that I couldn’t explain the joy and His glory. After the service, I touched my throat again and I told the person beside me that the node was gone.
All the glory and honor belong to God because He could do everything possible for those who strongly believe in Him. We have to always choose to worship the Lord, despite of sickness, darkness, or flight of circumstances, for the Lord will work mightily for our sake. I would like to share Exodus 34:10. It sums up that we are all here today, praying to the Lord to perform miracles and wonders in our lives, which never been created in all the earth and in any nation. And in all the people who dwell in living will see how tremendous God works are. The power of the Lord is not only given to me nor to all of us, but also for the next generation.
Moreover, the Lord also has secured our future. Last January 2018, I decided to resign from my job to participate in our Go Beyond event then I would just find another job. Sadly, I failed to do it. Last December 2018, there was a scholarship granted to me since I only finished high school. Through that scholarship, God offered me the opportunity to join a ministry. This is how God has worked for me. When He sees your faithfulness, He will do the rest. Be faithful. Surely God will do something when we keep praying and worshiping Him.