I understand and I can rationalize many of the components of the testimonies. These are diseases process, the natural history of illness, benign vs malignant and serious conditions vs condition caused by anxiety and tension. But in all, I have seen the grace and goodness of the Lord in every testimony.
When somebody approaches me for a consult, I am mindful that I give recommendations according to my specialty as a doctor, but I also make sure to give my perspective as a worshipper.
As doctors, we speak of things we have read about or learned about during the long process of becoming doctors and during our actual practice of medicine. Also, our advice and decisions are, at best, evidence-based. Moreover, we follow guidelines drawn from studies and extensive research. We talk about statistics and probability. So when a doctor says the case is hopeless or terminal, that is just based on what we think we know. There is just so much more to know.
On the other hand, on a worshipper’s perspective, we firmly believe that the God we worship created us and all that is around us. He is the author and giver of life. FromGenesis 2:7, God formed man from the dust of the ground and He created us in His image. Here are the recorded miracles by Jesus Christ are healing the blind, leper, paralyzed, women and victims of exorcism, His Resurrection of the dead, control over nature, turning water into wine, the miraculous catch of fish, calming the storm and walking on water.
This is the same God that we serve today. He is an
omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent God! Even with all the amazing medical breakthroughs, everything that doctors know (or think we know) is not even a pinch of God’s supreme knowledge and power.
A lot of us doctors have naturally focused on dealing and healing the creation but neglecting to involve the Creator. We have not given Him all of the deserved credit.
But the Lord raises doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers. He provides wisdom to discover new medicines, treatments, and procedures.
In Mark 2:17 says, “Who goes to the doctor for a cure? Those who are well or those who are sick? I have not come to call the ‘righteous,’ but to call those who are sinners and bring them to repentance.”
So when I have a patient who refuses any treatment of intervention, I make sure that I have heard it clearly from the Lord because it’s just an easy escape or excuse. Seeing a doctor or taking medications does not make you any less faithful.
This is one thing to thank the Lord when everything is good. Another one is when you can open your mouth in thanksgiving when you are going through the valleys of shadow and death. Missed healing is when sometimes we have been healed and not know it, when one is too focused on the illness or when hanging on and can’t let go of the sickness.
The Lord is with us in the process. Only by trusting Him and walking with Him through our struggles, our sickness, our pain, and our need will we be able to see and experience His deliverance, His healing, His comfort, and His provisions. We trust Him and walk with Him, when we take time to be with Him and pray to Him, leave our burdens with Him.
Let us remember that He is the good shepherd. In Psalm 23:4 (The Passion Translation) says:
“Lord, even when your path takes me through
the valley of deepest darkness,
fear will never conquer me, for you already have!
You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way.
Your authority is my strength and my peace.
The comfort of your love takes away my fear.”
Believe that the true deliverance comes from the Lord!