“For you, O Lord, are good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all who call upon you.” (Psalm 86:5 ESV)
As of this writing, we are on the 38th day of the Extended Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) due to Covid-19 pandemic. We have been experiencing its devastating effects, both in health and in the economy. 6,599 infected cases and 437 deaths as of April 16, 2020, based on World Health Organization (WHO) report are recorded. Huge economic losses are also in place, adversely displacing more than 1.4 million workers as of April 13, 2020 based on Department of Labor & Employment (DOLE).
In the middle of this distressful situation, we can see the goodness of God in the lives of those 654 infected people who have recovered. He is still a good and forgiving God whose unchanging love abounds (Psalm 86:5). For this very reason, we should continue to call upon His name. As King David said, “In the day of my trouble I call upon you, for you answer me.” (Psalm 86:7 ESV)
In the light of these public health and world economic crises, let us continue to humbly seek God and pray.
Stay safe and enjoy the time with your family and God.
Praying with you,
Ptr. Rodel dela Cruz