Hello! I am Bro. Leo. I want to praise the Lord for what He has done in my life.
It happened last April 27, 2016. I was assigned to fix the fire alarm system of our company. I, along with my co-worker, were tracing the power supply in the ceiling. We were passing thru the gutters of electric cable wires. We decided to locate the problem by starting from both ends. During that moment, I held on to an unknown wire and nipper. Suddenly, I shouted “AAAAH!” and passed out. I was electrocuted.
Nevertheless, I thank God for stopping the current from jolting me. I let out a breath from my nose and thought that God had let live. I only remembered that I uttered these words: “Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!” My co-worker came back for me from the other side and saw what he thought was my almost dead body. He thought of kicking me from the roof as he assumed that no one would survive such incident. To his surprise, he heard me praying and uttering my thanksgiving to God. He then decided not to leave me for dead. He later went on to say that he attempted to call for help but to no avail, as we were inside the ceiling somewhere in a tall building. He kept crying and yelling, but no one responded.
Still in shock of a miraculous incident, all I can do was to keep saying “Thank you Lord! Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah!” We stopped working at 6:30 pm. We reached our office after what seemed to be endless of kilometers away in Plant Engineering Department to rest because I was really exhausted. Then, our supervisor came and asked me what happened because I looked horrible. My co-worker answered that I had just survived an electrocution incident. I was brought in the clinic. My fingers were burned and my blood pressure reached 150/100. Meanwhile, I kept my water consumption to a minimum bearing in mind what just happened. They decided to take me to the hospital.
When I was confined, the doctors have checked me and recommended diagnostic tests. They were surprised upon seeing the long line down my spinal column on where the current, which they identified to be almost 380 volts, had passed through. Thank God that they found no damage in my internal organs though.
I really believe in Genesis 2:7 stating that we all came from dust and God is the only One who gives us breath. My survival from that incident is significant to me. One theory my friends say was that I was inherently strong because I belong in the Sports Ministry. Even my eldest child believes so in the sketch she showed me.
I realized that even when we are at the prime of our lives or no matter how healthy our bodies may be, a snap of a finger or a voltage of electricity can easily take away lives. It was not from my own strength that I survived, but because the Spirit of the Lord is within me. Giving praise and worship to the Lord is the most important thing we should do always.
All the glory belongs to Him!