Belated Happy Hearts Day Everyone!!!
To start off, let us introduce ourselves. We are four couples. First, Joshua and Janet who are “The Bears”. It’s their second month as a married couple last Feb 16th. Joshua is the ministry head of the musicians, Janet is one of the leaders of Whitelight Productions and is also heading the Stage Management team. Next, Jerome and Che-ann are “The Bebes”, they reached their 6th year as a married couple last January 2nd. Jerome who used to lead the musicians is now a member of the church council while Che-ann is the executive secretary of the COG National office. Next ones are Don and Mei who are “The Pogs”, they are married for 14 months. Don is the ministry head of the Creative Worship team while Mei is the ministry head of Whitelight Productions. Lastly, Joel and Rolette are “The Honey-Bebes”. It will be their 116th month this February and will be celebrating their first decade as a married couple this coming June. Joel leads one of the teams in the Choir ministry while Rolette is the ministry head of Praise & Worship, she is also acting as the 2nd in command to our department head, Sis. Gigi Velasco, who has been married for 25 years with Dr. Anthony Velasco. These couples so love worshiping and serving the Lord together. We are all under Worship department and are blessed to have found our lifetime partners within the same department.
(from left to right: Joel & Rolette (The Honey Bebes); Sis. Gigi Velasco; Jerome & Che-ann (The Bebes); Mei & Don (The Pogs)
For guys, it’s hard to admit that it’s often difficult to keep track of all the dates, such as countdown of events, significant days in a month as well as anniversaries, which are really important dates that could cause a big trouble if you forget. Right, ladies? However, there are other important things that a couple should both not forget in a relationship. These are passion and purpose. A united direction to where God is leading you. For some, this direction doesn’t come early. Some couples even have different individual passion and purpose that eventually clash. As I reflect, I thought of what would I have become had I gone into a relationship with a non-believer? Or someone with a different belief or passion? Where would I be? Would I still be serving the Lord as I am doing now? Meditating on these, I was reminded of a part of the verse in 2 Corinthians 6:14 that I used to hear when I was young.
“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers…” (NIV)
This verse actually talks about the righteous not getting yoked with darkness but looking at it on a different perspective, I’m really blessed that my wife, Janet, and I have the same BELIEF. And same goes for the other three couples I introduced earlier; we have the common passion and heart for worship. We may have disagreements and different preferences, interests or directions, but when it comes to worship, we all give nothing less than our best. Here is what we believe:
Purity. We fought for purity before we entered our relationships. These couples’ first kisses happened in front of the altar of the Lord.
Submission. We obeyed our leaders and followed their guidance not to enter into a relationship until the right time and the right person comes. Lastly…
Our Vision. This is what we believe and has been our battle cry for a long time:
“Honor God through passionate worship with world-class excellence that will transform lives and impact nations for the next generations.”
Another belief that we have in common is the importance of serving together. This is one of our life testimonies as well. You stand and fight for the next generation when you and your partner are in love in serving the Lord together. As the bible says in Joshua 25:15:
“As for me and my family, we’ll worship GOD.” (MSG)
We may not be experts when it comes to relationships nor do we have an exact formula for a happy and working marriage, but we have a God who is the author of our lives. If there is any advice I can leave for the youth, I’d say: we must first love our God with our whole lives, and everything else will really follow. Yes, everything, including love and relationships. As I try to put in words how I understood this love for God really means, it is fighting for purity, walking in submission, and pursuing anointed excellence, with all of my life.
Life would have not been as sweet as this had God not first loved us. We, all, would have not been here if it wasn’t for His love on that cross. I pray for God’s love to continue to overflowing in your lives. May you find His love more than enough in giving Him your best praise, thanksgiving and worship. To the youth: may you find joy in praying for a relationship worth waiting for – a relationship where you can pray, worship, and passionately pursue God together with your future partner in life. Finally, may we all stay in love with the Lord and in love in worshiping Him forever.
In love in worship,
The Bears