At one time, Jesus said to Peter, “… and on this rock I will build My church and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16:18 NKJV)What a powerful statement! When we think of a rock, what comes easily to our minds is something firm, stable, solid, and unshakeable. True enough, Jesus’ declaration is that He would build His church upon a solid rock—a firm foundation, so to speak.
Banking on that premise of a solid foundation, what a stable, unshakeable situation you might be when Jesus is your Rock! You might be experiencing stormy situations right now like declined credit cards, poor health condition, job loss, anxiety, depression or perhaps, you are at your lowest point in life;but because Jesus is your Rock, Who is the same yesterday, today and forever, there is Someone Whom we can surely depend on.
Boisterous winds, heavy storms, and high waters may come in your life, but because Jesus is your solid Rock, you will not be shaken!
Declare with me today, and make it personal that, “Jesus is my Rock!”
Still standing,
Ptr. Francis Honorio