King David, known as a man after God’s own heart, once said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1 KJV). An ordinary and imperfect man, yet highly favored by God, who became the king of Israel, declared that the LORD, the covenant-keeping God IS (now, at present) MY (really personal) Shepherd. He understood that the LORD is a perfect Shepherd taking care of the sheep, even to the extent of giving his very life for them.
The LORD, the Maker of the universe, the one who keeps His promises took care of David. This was the reason why he lacked nothing and was satisfied under the Shepherd’s fold.
Is the Lord, your Shepherd? Then you are in good hands! Blessed are you! But if not, for sure you are not satisfied with your life now. It is time to change the situation. God is giving you a chance today to enter into the Shepherd’s fold. Make Jesus your Shepherd now by surrendering your life to Him!
Satisfied in His fold,
Ptr. Francis Honorio