As the famous quotation goes, “A moment lasts all of a second, but the memory lives on forever.” When it comes to our spiritual lives, I pray that our memories of the significant things that the Lord has given us will not be fleeting. We must always keep track on how the Lord powerfully moved in our lives and how He taught us through His Word.
“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits — ” (Psalms 103:2 NIV)
In this verse, David called upon his soul to praise the Lord because of the unending blessings He bestowed. David was constantly reminding himself about everything God has done for him; how the Lord had been truly faithful to him.
May our lips always utter praise to the One who has showered us with countless blessings. As we remember this, we are not just doing it for ourselves; we can also pass it on to bless others.
Celebrating blessed memories,
Ptr. Gary Raymond Yalung