The only limit for Christians to achieve more for God’s glory is when we say “no”. The more we say no, the lesser breakthroughs and success we will experience in our Christian walk. It is a guaranteed waste of time trying to run away from what God is telling us to do.
It was in the beginning of 2017 when our pastor encouraged us to pray for the sick. One day, he asked me to preach about healing and to pray for the sick after the preaching. I was hesitant at first because that was the first time I will do this kind of thing and I have never seen it happen in my life before. Despite the doubt, I said “yes” anyway. So one Sunday, after I preached about healing, I prayed for the congregation. One woman, Sis. Weng Anievas, who has broken ligaments in her knees, was healed. After a few days, we visited her in her workplace and amazingly, we saw that she could already jog and dance, something she could not do before. After what had happened, our pastor encouraged us to continue praying for the sick and we just said “Yes”.
Another miracle took place as we willingly let God do His work. One of our youth, Pola Franco, came to the church for prayer due to severe back pain. Her back was under the care of three doctors and there was no clear diagnosis. The doctors recommended that she should have back support, have a massage therapy and lose weight. After a year, the condition remained the same. By faith, we prayed for her and after continuous prayers, she started to cry and said, “The pain is gone now.” She was healed at that very moment.
We continued praying for people. The more we said yes, the more healing happened. After this marvelous experience, my fear of praying for sick people was replaced with faith. The miraculous experiences that God has given after I said “yes” led me to understand my identity I have in Christ.
The word of the Lord in 2 Timothy 1:17 says: “God has not given a Spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind”. If we will only learn not to look at our own abilities and start focusing on what our God can do, we can have the confidence that we can do impossible things. God says in John 14:12: “Whoever believes in me the works that I do, he will do also”. This promise is enough assurance for us to put our doubts aside and be courageous to say “yes” to Him who called us to do great things.
I have come to a realization that if we will only let God do what He wants to do through us, we will see miracles after miracles unfold before our eyes. If we want to witness God’s glory, we need to learn how to dive despite doubts and fears.
What is it that makes you say “no” in becoming an instrument of God? Do you think you’re not worthy? The pool of Bethesda (John 5) is a dirty pool but still, it was used by God to heal the sick. If God can use the dirty pool to heal the sick, imagine what He can do through you who has the Spirit of the living God. Say “Yes” to God!