Hi everyone! Happy anniversary to Church Of God! I am Supachai Basit, half-Thai and half-Filipino. I would like to tell you my great love story with God.
I once thought that life was about fame and money. I was proud of all the achievements I earned and thought that they were all because of me. God was never in the equation. I walked tall, even though I am physically short. I also persecuted Christians in my class, as well as my friends. I abused myself with cigarettes and alcohol, not knowing that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Until one day, God slowly knocked into my life.
When my wife was working in Singapore, she took me in their Christian church but I just slept when the sermon began. However, I still remember the message vividly. Later on, I began to cry little by little but I was still refusing the Holy Spirit to enter in my life.
Last November 2016, the darkest moment yet in my life happened. Due to K-12 transition, the school has slashed our salary. It is a difficult setback for me as a person who gets by only by salary. From being the highest paid dean in our school, suddenly I could not afford the luxuries I used to have.
In August 2017, my student assistants who are from COG, invited me to come with them to church. Attending that worship service was not an accident and it was as if the pastor was referring to me. The first verse I learned, which became my life verse was Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I was struck and I surrendered my life to God.
Even then, everything was not easy. I would wear a hoodie whenever I go to church because I was ashamed of being a Christian. The Word of the Lord states that when we are ashamed, He will also shame us in the presence of the Father. I talked intimately with our Lord and He answered through sermons, blessings, and dreams.
Last January, I decided to approach people from Men’s Ministry since my age is no longer fit for Young Adults. I have also adopted their Godly lifestyle. God used this ministry for me to experience spiritual healing.
Not all of our illnesses are physical. The decaying of our spiritual health is a serious issue. I call the Name of Jesus when I feel like I am going back to my former habits, because I believe He is the only way to break the chain of sins. Now that I am a Christian, I experienced persecution from my former colleagues. Yet I bring it all to Him because if God is with me, who could be against me?
In July 2018, I became a mentor in a C2s group, which gives me a more meaningful life apart from research mentoring. I still have ego, but now Jesus is my pride. He is the reason why my spirit was healed. I have experienced His love.
Then last August, I won the first place out of 17 regions in a national research competition sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Then I realized that scientific gatherings can be used to spread the Word of God. He is behind all the success I have achieved. Now, I am on my way to write a devotional manual for Christian educators from writing scientific publications and books.
Before I leave, I promise that I will go back to this stage because I claim that God will grant us a child this year.
Glory to God!