Today is the first Sunday of the second month of 2019. We almost did not notice that January is over.
This year, we are embarking on our new theme: Initiate P.U.S.H. – Pray. Proclaim.Praise.
P.U.S.H. originally means Pray Until Something Happens. However, we will not only pray but we will also proclaim God’s goodness and praise Him.
Our Lord Jesus Christ showed us great lessons about prayer which are all written in the Scripture.
First, He gave us the importance of addressing “Our Father” in our prayer which he modeled for us (Matthew 6:9-13). This is believing that with our identity in Christ Jesus we can confidently call God as our Father in Heaven.
Second, Jesus found great joy in praying. We are commanded to be joyful in all seasons (Philippians 4:4), most especially when we pray because we are in a wonderful relationship with our Almighty God.
Lastly, Jesus found great joy in praying even under supreme sufferings, which is evident when He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane.Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit beyond great measure and even jumped for joy (from Greek translation).
As we walk in our journey this year, are you willing to P.U.S.H. with us? PUSH with great joy this 2019.