Philippians 1:14 says: “And because of my imprisonment, many of the Christians here seem to have lost their fear of chains! Somehow my patience has encouraged them, and they have become more and more bold in telling others about Christ.”
Apostle Paul, when he was in prison, could be discouraged, if he looked at it in a man’s perspective rather than in God’s. Because focusing on prison bars alone would restrict one’s freedom and joy in serving the Lord. Paul simply lived a life reflecting on God’s virtues, such as goodness, promised self-effectiveness, and fruitfulness.
Know that your effectiveness is not because of your works, but of your character. Your “doing”, which is your work or ministry will suffer if your “being” or character will collapse.
You being yourself is enough! Don’t let your feelings be the voice that validates you. You can rest in God’s motives for you: always for your own good, always for His Glory. And I want you to know that God will never be discouraged of you because you failed. When Adam and Eve failed, maybe if we were there, we may say to God, “God, why not just replace them and create a new one!” God is in the business of fixing people, not of replacing people when they fail. He is the God who wants to fix you, to become reliable and resilient.
Galatian 6:9 stated: “And let us not get tired of doing what is right, for after a while we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t get discouraged and give up.”
You are doing better and you matter more than you think.
In Christ,
Ptr. Obeth Mendoza